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Italy Relaunch Plan 2020-2022 after Covid-19 emergency

Il Comitato di esperti in materia economica e sociale, guidato dal Manager Vittorio Colao e nominato dal Governo Italiano ha presentato un rapporto contenente 100 proposte per il rilancio del Sistema Paese Italia dopo l’emergenza Covid-19.

Il Rapporto si pone come obiettivo unitario ridisegnare un’Italia più forte, resiliente ed equa ed individua sei macro aree in cui realizzare i necessari ed ambiziosi interventi e riforme:

  1. Imprese e Lavoro

  2. Infrastrutture e Ambiente

  3. Turismo, Arte e Cultura

  4. Pubblica Amministrazione

  5. Istruzione e Ricerca

  6. Individui e Famiglie

The Committee of Experts in Economic and Social Matters, led by Manager Vittorio Colao and appointed by the Italian Government, presented a report containing 100 proposals for the relaunch of the Italian country system after the Covid-19 emergency.

The Report aims to redesign a stronger, resilient and fairer Italy and identifies six macro areas in which carrying out the necessary and ambitious interventions and reforms:

  1. Businesses and employment

  2. Infrastructure and Environment

  3. Tourism, Art and Culture

  4. Public administration

  5. Education and Research

  6. Individuals and Families

Scarica il Rapporto Iniziative per il rilancio "Italia 2020-2022"

Download Italy Relaunch Plan (Italian version)

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