The webinar "Private international law: Cultural identity a choice of love" was held on June 6, 2022 from 4 to 6 pm. The event accredited by the Rome Bar Association was moderated by Avv. Giuliana Scrocca, Mediator of the Forensic Mediation Body of Rome.
During the webinar the theme of integration between different cultures was addressed from a legal, professional and human perspective.
Among the distinguished speakers:
Dr. Davide De Michelis, Rai3 journalist, who referred to some concrete examples of integration in Italian society through interviews conducted as part of the “Roots” program he conducted.
Avv. Angelo Ruberto President of the National Forensic Network, who analyzed to what extent cultural identity can affect any criminal behavior.
Avv. Kaoutar Badrane President of the Agami Association, on the other hand, illustrated the reform of family law in Morocco and referred to particular cases relating to divorces of mixed couples in Italy.
Avv. Giuseppe Calà, Barrister at law, spoke about his own professional and human experience in England, an also on som issues and practical advice relating to British law for the divorce of Italian-English mixed couples.
Avv. Silvia Silvestri spoke on the theme of cultural identity and integration from the point of view of family and juvenile law.
Avv. Lifang Dong, first Italian lawyer of Chinese origin, Founder of the international law firm Dong & Partners and President of the Silk Council Association, emphasized the role of bridge between different cultures played by Italian professionals of foreign origin, also illustrating some practical examples of activities to promote economic, legal and cultural exchanges between China and Italy carried out by the Silk Council Association.
Finally, Dr Alessia Micoli, a psychologist, spoke about her experience as a judicial expert in cases involving foreigners in Italy and Dr Ludmila Dolghi, a Russian-speaking interpreter, who spoke about her own integration experience in Italy, also referring to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.
We thank Avv. Giuliana Scrocca for the invitation and all the speakers who made this interesting event possible.
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