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Italy: new rules on the use of the green pass and vaccination obligation


The Italian Council of Ministers met on November 24, 2021 and approved a law decree that introduces new containment measures for the "fourth wave" of the Sars-Cov2 pandemic.

1. Obligation to vaccinate and third dose

The law decree provides for the extension of the vaccination obligation to the third dose starting from December 15, 2021.

The vaccination obligation is extended to additional categories of workers:

  • administrative staff of health sector

  • teachers and administrative staff of the school

  • military

  • police forces (including prison police), public aid personnel

2.Green Pass

The law decree reduces the validity of the Green Pass from 12 to 9 months.

The Green Pass obligation (vaccination, recovery or negative swab) is extended to other sectors: hotels; changing rooms for sports activities; trains, buses, trams and metro.

From December 6, 2021, the reinforced Green Pass is introduced, which is issued only to those who are vaccinated or cured. The reinforced Green Pass is mandatory to access activities that would otherwise be subject to restrictions in the yellow zone in the following areas:

  • Shows

  • Sport events

  • Indoor catering

  • Parties and discos

  • Public ceremonies

From December 6, 2021 and until January 15, 2022, the reinforced Green Pass is mandatory also in the white area for the aforementioned activities.

For those under 12 it has been clarified that there is no obligation to have a Green Pass.

3. Strengthening of the vaccination campaigns

  • the third dose is already allowed 5 months after the second;

  • the third dose for the under 40s will be open immediately;

  • if authorized, vaccination campaigns may be launched for the age group 5-12 years.

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